Category Archives: Kerja dan Usaha

Bekerja di Amerika

Ada pernyataan yang mengatakan mobil terbaik berasal dari Jerman, dan
gaji terbesar berada di Amerika….hmmm….apakah ini benar? Menurut situs Gazette pada tahun 2018, Amerika berada di posisi kedua di dunia setelah Lexembourg untuk negara dengan penghasilan tertinggi. Tidak heran, berbondong-bondong pencari kerja dari seluruh dunia berusaha datang ke Amerika untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dan penghasilan idaman. Mereka ingin memperoleh American Dream, yaitu gaji besar, rumah nyaman dengan halaman yang besar, keamanan, pendidikan, dan masih banyak fasilitas lainnya.

Pertanyaannya bagaimanakah cara bekerja secara legal di negara Paman Sam? Di sini kita akan membicarakan bagaimana bekerja secara legal di negara super power tersebut, bukan yang illegal ya… Sebagai pencari kerja yang bukan warga negara Amerika, ada 2 cara yaitu :

1.  Mendapatkan Surat Ijin Kerja (EAD – Employment Autorization Document).
Surat Ijin Kerja atau istilahnya EAD-Employment Authorization Document adalah surat yang mengijinkan pemiliknya untuk bekerja di Amerika dalam periode tertentu. Untuk mendapatkan surat ijin kerja atau EAD ini, seseorang harus mengisi Form I-765 dan mengajukannya ke USCIS. Lama proses pengajuan EAD bergantung dengan di mana dan kapan seseorang mengajukannya.

Durasi EAD bergantung pada visa kerja yang seseorang miliki. Pada saat seseorang memperbarui visa kerja, orang tersebut juga perlu memperbarui EADnya. Cara memperbarui adalah dengan mengisi kembali Form I-765 dan membayar sejumlah biaya.

Untuk mengetahui cara mendapatkan visa kerja, lihat artikel lainnya.

EAD juga didapat saat seseorang mengajukan Green Card. Pada saat saya mengajukan Green Card, saya memperoleh EAD. Mengapa? Karena proses Green Card sangat lama, bisa hingga 6 bulan, sehingga mereka menerbitkan EAD untuk saya selama saya menunggu proses Green Card selesai. Dalam proses menunggu itu, saya bisa melamar pekerjaan dan bekerja di Amerika.

2. Mendapatkan Green Card atau US Permenent Resident.
Orang yang telah mendapatkan Green Card atau US Permanent Resident otomatis dapat bekerja secara legal di Amerika, tanpa ada batas waktu atau dibatasi dengan pekerjaan tertentu, selama dia memperpanjang Green Cardnya. Orang-orang ini mempunyai kewajiban dan hak yang sama dengan warga negara Amerika, perbedaannya mereka tidak bisa memberikan hak suara untuk pemilihan presiden, dsb.

Orang-orang ini juga mempunyai peluang yang lebih luas untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan yang beragam, mulai dari yang bergaji tinggi hingga yang rendah. Informasi mengenai Green Card, dapat dilihat pada artikel lainnya.

Perlu diingat, bahwa bekerja di Amerika Anda perlu membayar pajak. Informasi mengenai dasar-dasar perpajakan, lihat artikel lainnya.

Bagaimana mendapatkan pekerjaan di Australia?

Australia menyambut lebar warga negara asing yang memili keahlian dan kualifikasi yang tinggi. Walaupun demikian untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di Australia bagi warga negara asing tetap merupakan sebuah tantangan. Adalah penting untuk memahami kenyataan dan mengerti bahwa Anda mungkin tidak akan dapat langsung menemukan ‘pekerjaan impian’ Anda segera.

Tidak pernah mudah untuk mencari pekerjaan dari luar negeri. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang dapat Anda persiapkan atau lakukan berkenaan dengan pencarian pekerjaan di pasar tenaga kerja Australia.

Yang perlu dilakukan :
– Tingkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda
– Kunjungi berbagai situs kerja Australia untuk mengenal lebih lanjut bagaimana peluang pekerjaan di bidang Anda.
– Daftar visa permanent residence. Ini sangat penting. Perusahaan biasanya akan menanyakan status imigrasi dan visa Anda.
– Mulai melamar pekerjaan dari luar negeri, dalam waktu 1-12 minggu sebelum Anda mengunjungi Australia.
– Kirim aplikasi sebanyak mungkin ke agen tenaga kerja atau perusahaan yang potensial untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Informasikan kepada mereka bahwa Anda berada di pasar tenaga kerja.
– Siapkan CV Anda dalam style Australia, tulis surat lamaran secara singkat dan jelas. Tuliskan bahwa Anda memiliki visa (atau sedang proses penerimaan visa)
– Beri alamat post Australia, email Australia atau nomor telepon Australia di CV Anda jika memungkinkan.
– Kunjungi Australia (setelah visa Anda disetujui) untuk menghadiri wawancara, karena hanya sedikit sekali perusahaan Australia yang mau melakukan wawancara jarak jauh.
– Buat kesan yang positif saat wawancara, fleksibel dan siapkan foto kopi visa dan referensi

Jangan dilakukan :
– Jangan mendaftar atau mengunjungi Australia untuk wawancara lebih dari 1 – 12 minggu dari tanggal mulai. Mereka tidak akan tertarik.
– Jangan harap semuan berjalan selancar mungkin sesuai keinginan Anda. Bersikap sefleksibel mungkin dan mau menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan lokal.
– Jangan berharap mendapatkan pekerjaan di level yang sama atau lebih tinggi dari yang Anda miliki sekarang di negara Anda. Anda mungkin tidak tahu keadaan lokal Australia dan mungkin perlu sedikit melangkah mundur sebelum mendaki nantinya. Beri waktu 1 tahun.
– Jangan mengharapkan gaji yang sama atau lebih. Biaya hidup dan pajak penghasilan lebih rendah di Australia dibanding negara maju lainnya. Perhatikan penghasilan bersih dari pada penghasilan kotor.
– Jangan berharap mendapatkan tawaran pekerjaan dalam minggu pertama. Secara rata-rata, ini memerlukan waktu 1-8 minggu untuk warga negara Australia mendapatkan pekerjaan.
– Jangan negosiasi secara berlebihan pada perusahaan pertama Anda. Bersikap fleksibel dan memahami bahwa hukum dan kontrak tenaga kerja mungkin berbeda di Australia

Work from home

Being productive does not mean you have to go to the office every weekdays and work for 8 hours. Being productive can be done anywhere. We have to thank to the internet. The internet has change a lot of ways in doing things. Saving your money, paying your bills, socializing, researching does not need to go out from your house. Just sit in front of your computer and just as easy as click your mouse and type some keys.

When people are still without kids, it is very easy to go anywhere and do anything. But when you have kids and you live in a country where it is much better and cheaper to take care your own kids, going to work everyday become an issue. Being a stay at home mom, work at home mom or work from home people are desired in these days. However, that issue can be solved with all of simple technology.

The easiest way is to fill some surveys online and get paid. Some companies will pay you for doing a survey. The survey can be vary, from baby product until cellphone. Each survey is different. Some can take longer than others, some can pay you more than others. Every time you finish filling a survey, you will get points and you can redeem the points after certain points. Let me know if you are interested to get money by doing survey online, I will send you the invitation. Just drop me your email.

There is also an online service, where many people in the world offer a job to anybody who can give a good price and a matching skills. It usually for a certain time job, like a project. People post a job, you apply to the job, the employer will assess your skills with the job, and hire you if you are the right people. You do your work and the employer will pay you after you finish it. Each of you can leave a feedback to let others now how good you are as a employer or as an employee. If you are interested, drop me your email, I will send you the invitation as well.

Job Opening in Brunei This Week

Hi, semua !
Melihat antusias teman-teman semua dalam mencari pekerjaan di ladang orang, terutama Negara Brunei Darussalam, saya bermaksud menyediakan jasa penyediaan informasi lowongan pekerjaan yang sedang dibuka di Negara Brunei Darussalam dalam mingguan.
Tiap minggunya yaitu tiap Senin saya menyediakan informasi baru lowongan pekerjaan yang sedang dibuka, termasuk requirement yang diperlukan, nama perusahaan dan kontak mereka (baik alamat, phone, atau email).

Berikut adalah list package yang tersedia :
Package A : 2 list lowongan pekerjaan, seharga 10.000
Package B : 4 list lowongan pekerjaan, seharga 15.000
Package C : 6 list lowongan pekerjaan, seharga 20.000
Package D : 10 list lowongan pekerjaan, seharga 25.000

Untuk pertanyaan dan informasi lainnya, silakan klik disini.

Saya juga menyediakan jasa penyediaan informasi tenaga kerja yang ada di Indonesia maupun di Brunei untuk keperluan kerja di Brunei.
Perlu dicatat, bahwa saya hanya menyediakan jasa informasi. Mohon teman-teman semua juga hati-hati saat berhadapan dengan tenaga kerja, jangan sampai tertipu.
Saya tidak bertanggung-jawab di luar jasa penyediaan informasi.

Package 1 : 5 list tenaga kerja, seharga 150.000
Package 2 : 10 list tenaga kerja, seharga 270.000

Demikian semoga jasa saya ini bisa bermanfaat bagi teman-teman semua.
Good luck !


Hi, everyone !

It is glad to see how desire you all in looking for a job and a better opportunity abroad, especially in Negara Brunei Darussalam.
I am willing to provide an information to find a job opening in Negara Brunei Darussalam weekly as our service .
Every week on Monday, there will be a new list of job opening in Negara Brunei Darussalam, include the requirement, their contact (company name, phone number, or email address)

Here is the list of the packages :
Package A : 2 list of jobs, price : 10.000
Package B : 4 list of jobs, price : 15.000
Package C : 6 list of jobs, price : 20.000
Package D : 10 list of jobs, price : 25.000

For questions and more information, please clickhere.

I also provide an information about agent in Brunei and in Indonesia for Brunei worker.
To be noted, that I only provide the information service. Please be careful when you face all the agents, do not let them take advantage of you.
I will not be responsible for the losing/damage they cause on you.

Package 1 : 5 list of agents, price : 150.000
Package 2 : 10 list of agents, price : 270.000

I hope you all will be able to find better oppotunities out there.
Good luck !

Bagaimana Menghadapi Headhunter ?

Kejujuran adalah perlu dalam menjaga hubungan dengan headhunter. Membiarkan headhunter mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan kita, akan memberi nilai positif di mata headhunter. Jika ada peluang yang sesuai dengan kita, headhunter akan mengingat kita bahkan headhunter akan mereferensikan kita kepada perusahaan lain.

Apabila headhunter melakukan phone interview, jangan menganggap remeh phone interview. Jangan menganggap itu adalah obrolan pembuka/pengenal. Tetap pandang phone interview sebagai interview resmi, sebelum interview tatap muka. Jangan lupa untuk follow-up dengan interviewer, tetapi ingat, jangan terlalu agresif dalam mem-follow-up.

How to handle Headhunter ?
Become a headhunter is never easy. It can be seen by how much money is given to the headhunter to find the right person for the company. To make it easy, it needs openness, honesty, communication between candidates, headhunter and the company (client). Headhunter acts like match-maker to find the right candidate for the company for mutual benefit and long-term relationship.

To achieve all the goals, the headhunter must corporate together with the candidate. For example, is to appreciate the interview. Coming on-time during the interview give a good signal to the headhunter, and vice versa. It is always good for you to give a lot of information about yourself, such as your availability, your skills, your interest to the headhunter. The headhunter will easily match yours with the needs they have.

If you find the job does not match with you, tell the headhunter about that. And give a reference about someone that might match with that job to the headhunter always bring a good plus for you. The headhunter usually remember what you have done for them, and will call you as soon as possible they find the match job for you.

Do not forget to do your own homework, to do the research about your job and the company that is interested in you. If you found the headhunter is interested in you, do not make you feel comfortable, by act not ready when the interview come, show your laziness, and act unprofessionally.

Always keep in mind to build a good relationship with the headhunter, even you know you do not have a need to find a job in a short time, even years. Have a good relationship with the headhunter always give you benefit in the future.

Most people think that the headhunter is only mediator, that makes them careless. They started to talk too much about themselves. This does not work. The interview usually involved many people. If they find your information is incorrect, they prefer to let you down than let their clients down. You must remember that the headhunters are prefer to keep a good relationship with their clients than any candidates.

Find a Job in Singapore

Business Social Network
Businesses are increasingly using business social networks as a means of growing their circle of business contacts and promoting themselves online. In general these networking tools allow professionals to build up their circle of business partners they trust. By connecting these business partners the networking tools allow individuals to search for certain people within their network. Through introductions the members of these tools then can get in contact with new prospective business partners. Since businesses are expanding globally, social networks make it easier to keep in touch with other contacts around the world. Specific cross-border e-commerce platforms and business partnering networks now make globalization accessible also for small and medium sized companies.

Professionals who wish to leverage their presentation skills with the urgency of physically being present attend general and exclusive events. Many professionals tend to prefer face-to-face networking over online based networking because the potential for higher quality relationships are possible. Many individuals also prefer face-to-face because people tend to prefer actually knowing and meeting who they intend to do business with.

Face to face business networking is often facilitated by referral networking clubs.

A professional network service (or, in an internet context, simply professional network) is a type of social network service that is focused solely on interactions and relationships of a business nature rather than including personal, nonbusiness interactions. Notable examples include LinkedIn.

Employment Website
Many employment websites are designed to allow employers to post job requirements for a position to be filled and are commonly known as job boards. Other employment sites offer employer reviews, career and job-search advice describe different job descriptions or employers. Through a job website a prospective employee can locate and fill out a job application or submit resumes over the Internet for the advertised position.

Nearly all major corporations use some form of Applicant Tracking Systems to handle job applications and to manage resume data. The principal function of an ATS is to provide a central location and database for a company’s recruitment efforts. ATS are built to better assist management of resumes and applicant information. Functionality of an ATS is not limited to data mining and collection, ATS applications in the recruitment industry include the ability automate the Recruitment Process via a defined workflow. Another benefit of an applicant tracking system is analyzing and coordinating recruitment efforts – managing the conceptual structure known as Human Capital. A corporate career site or company specific job board module may be offered, allowing companies to provide opportunities to internal candidates prior to external recruitment efforts. Candidates may be identified via preexisting data or through information garnered through other means. This data is typically stored for search and retrieval processes.

Job Search Engine
The success of jobs search engines in bridging the gap between jobseekers and employers has spawned thousands of job sites. These sites range from broad all-purpose job boards, to niche sites that serve various audiences, geographies, and industries. Many industry experts are encouraging jobseekers to concentrate on industry specific sector sites. With the increase in popularity of niche sites, other sites have begun to rank them in order of quality.

Many jobs search engines and jobs boards encourage users to post their resume and contact details. While this is attractive for the site operators (who sell access to the resume bank to headhunters and recruiters), job-seekers exercise caution in uploading personal information, since they have no control over where their resume will eventually be seen. Their resume may be viewed by a current employer or, worse, by fraudsters who may use information from it to amass and sell personal contact information, or even perpetrate identity theft. Noted as,,

Looking through the classifieds in newspapers, such as The Straits Times, etc.

Employment Agency or Recruiter
Using a private or public employment agency or recruiter. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every developed country has created a public employment agency as a way to combat unemployment and help people find work. An executive-search firm is a type of employment agency that specializes in recruiting executive personnel for companies in various industries. This term may apply to job-search-consulting firms who charge job candidates a fee and who specialize in mid-to-upper-level executives. Some third-party recruiters work on their own, while others operate through an agency, acting as direct contacts between client companies and the job candidates they recruit. They can specialize in client relationships only (sales or business development), in finding candidates (recruiting or sourcing), or in both areas. Most recruiters tend to specialize in either permanent, full-time, direct-hire positions, or in contract positions, but occasionally in both.

Outsourced recruiters typically work for multiple clients at once, on a third-party broker basis, and are variously called headhunters, search firms/agents, agency recruiters, or recruitment consultants. Contract recruiters tend to move around between multiple companies, working at each one for a short stint as needed for specific hiring purposes. The responsibility is to filter candidates as per the requirements of each client. You can find many employment agencies in Indonesia or Brunei. They can charge you for fee in the beginning or after you get the job.

Job Fair
A job fair is a fair or exposition for employers, recruiters and schools to meet with prospective job seekers. Expos usually include company or organization tables or booths where resumes can be collected and business cards can be exchanged. Often sponsored by career centers, job fairs provide a convenient location for students to meet employers and perform first interviews. Electronic job fairs offer the same convenience online. The difference with an electronic job fair is that the employers and job seekers meet each other one-on-one by logging on to a website that hosts the electronic job fair. Like a traditional job fair, electronic job fairs are held on specific days during specific hours. These events are live and fully interactive.

Job fairs are good places to meet many company representatives from corporations of all industries and sizes during a short period of time. Every job fair has a set of similar, basic elements or processes that require your attention. Job fair networking can be generally described as the process of interacting with, obtaining contact details of, and getting to know corporate recruiters.

References :

Find a Job in Brunei

Employment Website
Many employment websites are designed to allow employers to post job requirements for a position to be filled and are commonly known as job boards. Other employment sites offer employer reviews, career and job-search advice describe different job descriptions or employers. Through a job website a prospective employee can locate and fill out a job application or submit resumes over the Internet for the advertised position.

Nearly all major corporations use some form of Applicant Tracking Systems to handle job applications and to manage resume data. The principal function of an ATS is to provide a central location and database for a company’s recruitment efforts. ATS are built to better assist management of resumes and applicant information. Functionality of an ATS is not limited to data mining and collection, ATS applications in the recruitment industry include the ability automate the Recruitment Process via a defined workflow. Another benefit of an applicant tracking system is analyzing and coordinating recruitment efforts – managing the conceptual structure known as Human Capital.

A corporate career site or company specific job board module may be offered, allowing companies to provide opportunities to internal candidates prior to external recruitment efforts. Candidates may be identified via preexisting data or through information garnered through other means. This data is typically stored for search and retrieval processes. For example Brunei Shell Petroleum website, Brunei Liquid Natural Gas website.

Job Search Engine
The success of jobs search engines in bridging the gap between jobseekers and employers has spawned thousands of job sites. These sites range from broad all-purpose job boards, to niche sites that serve various audiences, geographies, and industries. Many industry experts are encouraging jobseekers to concentrate on industry specific sector sites. With the increase in popularity of niche sites, other sites have begun to rank them in order of quality.

Many jobs search engines and jobs boards encourage users to post their resume and contact details. While this is attractive for the site operators (who sell access to the resume bank to headhunters and recruiters), job-seekers exercise caution in uploading personal information, since they have no control over where their resume will eventually be seen. Their resume may be viewed by a current employer or, worse, by fraudsters who may use information from it to amass and sell personal contact information, or even perpetrate identity theft.

Looking through the classifieds in newspapers, such as Pelita Brunei, Borneo Bulletin, Media Permata, The Brunei Times, etc.

Employment Agency or Recruiter
Using a private or public employment agency or recruiter. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every developed country has created a public employment agency as a way to combat unemployment and help people find work. An executive-search firm is a type of employment agency that specializes in recruiting executive personnel for companies in various industries. This term may apply to job-search-consulting firms who charge job candidates a fee and who specialize in mid-to-upper-level executives. Some third-party recruiters work on their own, while others operate through an agency, acting as direct contacts between client companies and the job candidates they recruit. They can specialize in client relationships only (sales or business development), in finding candidates (recruiting or sourcing), or in both areas. Most recruiters tend to specialize in either permanent, full-time, direct-hire positions, or in contract positions, but occasionally in both.

Outsourced recruiters typically work for multiple clients at once, on a third-party broker basis, and are variously called headhunters, search firms/agents, agency recruiters, or recruitment consultants. Contract recruiters tend to move around between multiple companies, working at each one for a short stint as needed for specific hiring purposes. The responsibility is to filter candidates as per the requirements of each client. You can find many employment agencies in Indonesia or Brunei. They can charge you for fee in the beginning or after you get the job.

Job Fair
A job fair is a fair or exposition for employers, recruiters and schools to meet with prospective job seekers. Expos usually include company or organization tables or booths where resumes can be collected and business cards can be exchanged. Often sponsored by career centers, job fairs provide a convenient location for students to meet employers and perform first interviews. Electronic job fairs offer the same convenience online. The difference with an electronic job fair is that the employers and job seekers meet each other one-on-one by logging on to a website that hosts the electronic job fair. Like a traditional job fair, electronic job fairs are held on specific days during specific hours. These events are live and fully interactive.

Job fairs are good places to meet many company representatives from corporations of all industries and sizes during a short period of time. Every job fair has a set of similar, basic elements or processes that require your attention. Job fair networking can be generally described as the process of interacting with, obtaining contact details of, and getting to know corporate recruiters.

References :

Immigrant workers in Singapore

In Singapore, the term immigrant workers is separated into foreign workers and foreign talents. Foreign workers refers to semi-skilled or unskilled workers who mainly work in the manufacturing, construction, and domestic services sectors. The majority of them come from countries such as India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Thailand, as part of bilateral agreements between Singapore and these countries (Yeoh 2007). Foreign talents refers to foreigners with professional qualifications or acceptable degrees working at the higher end of Singapore’s economy. The Singaporean government has carefully constructed a system under which different types of employment passes are issued to immigrant workers according to their qualifications and monthly salaries. The “P, Q, R” employment-pass system was put into practice since September 1998; a new “S” type employment pass was later introduced in July 2004. The government has also set different policies on recruiting foreign talents and foreign workers.

Various policies and incentives are used to attract foreign talents. The Singapore Talent Recruitment (STAR) Committee was formed in November 1998 with the aim of attracting foreign talents to Singapore. Other similar programmes include Manpower 21, launched in 1999, and the International Manpower Program of the Economic Development Board. The government has developed the Scheme for Housing of Foreign Talents with the aim of providing affordable yet comfortable accommodations for foreign talents, in order to attract them to work and stay in Singapore (Low 2002).

On the other hand, stringent policies and regulations have been set on employing foreign workers. In 1981, the government even announced its intention to phase out all unskilled foreign workers by the end of 1991, except domestic maids and those employed in construction and shipyards.

In Singapore, the work permit process is managed by the Ministry of Manpower. There are several kinds of work permit, and the type awarded generally depends on the salary range of the job. The “R Pass,” or “Work Permit,” is for foreigners who make less than $1,800/month. To employ a work permit holder, the employers are subjected to work permit conditions and the employment of foreign manpower act.

In ensuring an efficient process, the Ministry of Manpower has introduced an internet platform for work permit transactions. With the internet portal, the Ministry is able to process the work permit applications within one working day.

The “S Pass” is for foreigners who make more than $1,800/month. To be eligible, the applicant must achieve a minimum score on a points-based application. It takes into account salary, skills (including education), work experience, and the type of job being applied for.

The Q Pass is for foreigners making $2,500 or more per month, with recognized qualifications or work experience. The P2 Pass is for foreigners making $3,500 to $7,000 per month and possesses recognized qualification, and foreigners making more than $7,000 per month are eligible for the P1 Pass.

References :

Is it a pain to buy online ?

Kita menyadari maraknya bisnis online dewasa ini. Hampir setiap orang yang aktif di dunia maya sudah mengenal jenis bisnis ini, bahkan sebagian dari mereka terlibat, entah sebagai pembeli, penjual atau pembuat software toko online. Mengapa bisnis online menjadi makin populer ? Banyak alasan yang bisa diutarakan. Mari kita lihat dari sisi penjual. Mempunyai bisnis sampingan atau bisnis utama sepertinya sudah menjadi keinginan hampir banyak orang. Sayangnya kebanyakan dari mereka juga kepentok dengan urusan modal. Mereka perlu dana untuk mempunyai toko, punya modal untuk design toko mereka, punya modal untuk peralatan toko seperti mesin kas, pembersih, Air Conditioner, dll, perlu modal untuk membayar pekerja, dan masih banyak dana lainnya yang diperlukan untuk membuka toko, tanpa kita tahu apakah modal yang kita keluarkan akan kembali. Dengan menggunakan toko online, semua biaya tersebut bisa dihapus. Tidak perlu menyewa toko, ruko. Tidak perlu mempekerjakan karyawan. Tidak perlu menyediakan AC, mesin kas, dll. Semua bisa diatasi dengan toko online.

Toko online bisa didapat dengan berbagai cara, dari gratis sampai dengan biaya tertentu. Beberapa blog menyediakan jasa toko online secara gratis, atau kita bisa membeli software toko online. Beberapa orang/perusahaan menjual software toko online dengan biaya sangat terjangkau, yaitu 300ribu, Anda sudah bisa mempunyai toko sendiri. Wah! Sungguh menakjubkan!
Mempunyai toko online juga kita bisa menyediakan stok yang terbatas, tidak perlu menyediakan banyak stok untuk pajangan. Sungguh menyenangkan!

Dengan toko online, penjual juga tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak waktu dengan tokonya. Terkadang penjual cukup mencek email apakah ada pesanan atau enquiry masuk. Dengan toko online juga, pemasaran bisa dilakukan di seluruh dunia, tidak terbatas pada area tertentu saja. Semua orang yang terkoneksi internet bisa mampir ke toko online Anda! Benar-benar merupakan suatu terobosan teknologi.

Sekarang mari kita lihat keuntungan dari sisi pembeli. Pembeli sekarang bisa mengakses berbagai toko online yang menjual produk yang sama dalam waktu singkat. Pembeli bisa membandingkan harga dengan sangat cepat (jika harga tercantum di toko). Waktu yang biasanya dihabiskan berhari-hari untuk pergi dari suatu toko ke toko yang lain untuk memperoleh harga murah, yang biasanya menghabiskan berjam-jam bahkan berhari-hari, bisa dipersingkat jauh lebih cepat. Dan keuntungan bagi para pembeli yang paling tampak adalah harga yang murah dari pembeli. Dengan keuntungan dari internet untuk cepat mengakses berbagai toko online, dan membandingkan harga dengan cepat, para penjual menekan harga mereka serendah mungkin karena mereka mau membuat penjualan. Hal ini jelas sangat menguntungkan bagi pembeli. Harga murah, yipiii!

Para pembeli juga bisa shopping tanpa beranjak dari rumah. Ini merupakan keuntungan lain bagi pembeli. Pembeli bisa membeli produk dari US, dari China, dari Eropa, bahkan dari Afrika, tanpa perlu menghabiskan uang banyak untuk pergi ke sana! Wah, what a convenience.

Cara jual beli dalam toko online adalah sebagai berikut : pembeli berkeinginan untuk membeli suatu produk. Mereka mulai melakukan research tentang produk tersebut. Dimana mereka dapat membeli produk tersebut ? Berapa harga yang terbaik yang bisa didapat? Bagaimana pelayanan toko online tersebut ? dan bagaimana deliver produk ke pembeli.
Pembeli mulai mendekati penjual, dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai produk, permintaan inquiry dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk membeli produk di salah satu toko online yang menurut mereka terbaik.
Pembayaran dilakukan. Setelah pembayaran dilakukan, penjual mulai menyiapkan produk dan mengirimkan kepada pembeli sesuai permintaan dan perjanjian jual-beli. Setelah menerima, pembeli bisa memberikan feedback kepada penjual terhadap pelayanan, produk dan pengiriman.

Bagi para orang IT, ini menjadi lahan baru mereka untuk menghasilkan uang. Mereka membuat software toko online dengan banyak feature yang diperlukan bagi penjual. Toko online membawa berkah bagi banyak pihak, JIKA digunakan dengan benar. Sayangnya, beberapa pihak menyalahgunakan kemudahan ini. Tanpa disadari bahwa ini merugikan banyak pihak. Toko online adalah toko di dunia maya yang memerlukan attitude yang tepat dari pihak-pihak terkait untuk menjadikan metoda ini berjalan dan sukses. Janganlah menyalahgunakan kemudahan, teknologi dan keuntungan toko online.

Banyak kasus belakangan ini makin menjadi-jadi dalam jual-beli online. Banyak keluhan mulai terjadi baik bagi penjual maupun pembeli, walaupun yang banyak dirugikan adalah pembeli. Attitude buruk penjual mulai meresahkan pembeli dalam urusan jual-beli online. Mereka biasanya sangat ramah dan menjanjikan ketika pembeli mendekati mereka, penjual merespon dengan sangat cepat setiap pertanyaan dan inquiry dari pembeli.
Penjual menjanjikan hal yang manis-manis dan meyakinkan pembeli.
Hasilnya pembeli memutuskan untuk membeli, dan apa yang terjadi setelah pembayaran dilakukan ? Penjual mulai sulit dihubungi, walaupun mereka berhasil dihubungi, mereka mulai mengatakan kata-kata yang tidak pantas, kasar, dan jenis-jenis penundaan terhadap pengiriman barang, atau yang paling pahit adalah mereka raib begitu saja dengan uang Anda. Menyedihkan!
Banyak pembeli dikecewakan, buntutnya hal ini akan merugikan bagi para penjual yang memang bernia berjualan online.

Kerugian dari ini semua adalah pertama para pembeli menjadi ragu untuk membeli online. Kedua mematikan bisnis online para penjual yang berniat betul-betul berjualan. Ketiga mematikan peluang bisnis dengan modal kecil, yang bisa merugikan masyarakat. Kita tahu bahwa bisnis online memerlukan sedikit modal, jika bisnis model ini hidup di masyarakat, berapa orang akan menjadi pengusaha dan berapa besar peluang peningkatan bisnis pengusaha kecil.

Bisnis online memerlukan attitude yang benar dari pihak-pihak terkait. Kejujuran dari penjual dalam mendeskripsikan produk, pengiriman, dan penerimaan pembayaran sangat diperlukan. Janganlah penjual mendeskripsikan berlebihan produk yang dijual sehingga ketika pembeli menerima produk, mereka dikecewakan. Janganlah penjual mengatakan sudah mengirimkan barang jika mereka belum. Janganlah penjual mengatakan belum menerima pembayaran jika pembeli sudah membayar.
Janganlah penjual menolak atau lama merespon pembeli jika mereka sudah membayar. Janganlah penjual merespon dengan cuek dan marah pada saat penjual sudah menerima pembayaran. Kejujuran dari pihak pembeli juga diperlukan, yaitu dalam pembayaran, penerimaan produk dan pemberian feedback. Janganlah pembeli berbohong dengan mengatakan sudah mengirimkan pembayaran ketika mereka belum melakukan. Janganlah mereka berbohong ketika mereka sudah menerima produk tapi mereka mengatakan belum. Janganlah mereka berbohong ketika memberikan feedback kepada toko online ketika penjual memberikan servis baik tapi pembeli memberikan feedback buruk. Janganlah berbohong dan menipu!

Di negara maju, beberapa hal tersebut sudah diminimalisasi, karenanya banyak kita temukan toko online raksasa, seperti amazon, ebay, dll.
Mereka seolah menjadi pihak ketiga, yang menerima pembayaran dari pembeli dan membayar kepada penjual setelah penjual mengirimkan barang. Umumnya pihak ketiga ini akan memihak kepada pembeli dibanding penjual. Jika penjual mengklaim sudah mengirim barang, tapi pembeli mengatakan tidak menerimanya, maka pihak ketiga ini tidak akan pernah membayar kepada penjual dan mengembalikan 100% uang yang telah dibayar kepada pembeli. Karenanya tidak hanya dituntut kejujuran penjual, tapi juga kejujuran pembeli. Rata-rata toko store mempunyai feedback yang digunakan pembeli untuk memberikan nilai kepada penjual. Kita namakan rating penjual. Rating penjual menunjukkan kepada pembeli seberapa tingkat kepercayaan pembeli terhadap penjual tersebut.

Untuk Indonesia, dimana bisnis online belum sematang bisnis online di negara lain. Kita perlu lebih berhati-hati. Untuk menghindari tipuan dari penjual, pembeli harus rajin mengecek! Cari tau no HP penjual, telepon mereka di waktu yang berbeda, cari tau alamat mereka, apakah alamat tersebut benar ada. Cari di internet apakah penjual ini atau email ini melakukan penipuan. Cari tau apakah nomor rekening bank tersebut telah melakukan penipuan. Saat ini Indonesia belum terlalu aktif dalam hal ini, karenanya dengan blog ini, kita bisa melakukan saling menginfomasikan jika ada penjual toko online melakukan kecurangan, melayani tidak ramah, dan sebagainya. Catat nama penjual, nama toko, no HP/telpon, alamat, nomor rekening, email dan lainnya. Jika semakin banyak yang menuliskan tentang pengalaman pahit Anda dalam transaksi online, jangan ragu menuliskan di sini. Mari kita mulai mengingatkan satu sama lain, agar yang lain tidak tertimpa pengalaman buruk yang pernah Anda alami. Tapi ingat, jangan berbohong dalam memberi kesaksian!


These days online trade become one way to shop.  There are many reasons we can consider : first, people is getting lazy to go out shopping after spent many hours working. They want to spend times for themselves more than
go out to fight the bad traffic only to buy one or two things. Second, people want to get cheaper price by shopping online. Selling online encourage seller
to put a competitive price.And there are many more reasons.

Online shopping have many advantages for the customers. First, we can see one products from many online stores and start to compare their price, their products and their service. Second, we usually get cheaper price by shopping online because people can compare the price from many sellers very quickly.
Third, you can give a online feedback to the store to let others customer know how is their products and how is their services.

Now, we see the disadvantages of shopping online. Since we know that this is a digit world transaction, a lot of people got scammed. Many people tried to get money by doing fraud. That is very bad. In countries that online transaction regulation is still not strong, people found a way to get others people money by having a fake online store.  Or people make it hard for the buyer after they paid. The seller suddenly change their behaviour, from quick responce become silence answer. From friendly service become mad and anger service.

To avoid those kind of things, you should do the research first before you buy online.  Research online if the store does scam. Search for the seller’s name. Ask for their phone number. Try to call them. Do your homework.

Migrasi ke United States of America

Pada tahun 80an ketika aku masih kecil, masih teringat bahwa pada saat itu Amerika sangat besar pengaruhnya di dunia, mulai dari politik, sebut saja Ronald Reagen dan Nancy Reagen, George Bush dan istrinya Laura, selalu ada pada berita international di TVRI jam 9 malam. Untuk berita entertainment kita disuguhi gosip-gosip selebriti Amerika di majalah-majalah, koran, radio dan TV. Pergi kemana-mana kita mendengar lagu Amerika, seperti lagu Michael Jackson, Madonna, Debbie Gibson, NKOTB, Gun n Roses, dan masih banyak lagi.

Jika kita lapar, tengok saja sajian menggoda dari KFC, McDonald, CFC, Dunkin Donut, dan kepuasan dahaga yang ditawarkan Coca-cola, Fanta, Sprite.

Kalau kita jalan-jalan keliling kota, ke mall, kita melihat teater-teater dipenuhi dengan film Walt Disney, film Hollywood, yang jujur saja sampai sekarang masih digandrungi di seluruh dunia. Anak-anak suka melihat film Donald Bebek, Tom & Jerry, Cinderella, Pinokio, Snow White, dan segudang judul yang lain.

Film-filmnya menceritakan betapa indahnya Amerika, betapa cantiknya orang-orangnya dan betapa nyamannya hidup di sana. Salju yang putih, lampu yang kerlap-kerlip, bersihnya kota, dan yang tidak kalah betapa hebatnya amerika. Semua ada, semua indah!

Tidak heran, semua orang tertarik untuk pergi ke sana!

Ditambah beberapa berita dan omongan dari mulut ke mulut yang menyatakan betapa enaknya hidup di Amerika, bekerja di Amerika, penghasilan besar, dolar kuat…gaji direktur di Indonesia dan gaji tukang sapu di Amerika sama! Bagaimana orang tidak mau ke sana ?

Tidak berhenti sampai di situ, pendidikan Amerika pun menjadi incaran. Jebolan Amerika menduduki posisi-posisi penting di perusahaan-perusahaan besar, dipandang sebagai lulusan yang mempunyai
nilai lebih. Perusahaan-perusahaan besar di banyak negara diisi dengan lulusan Amerika. Sebut saja perusahaan P&G, IBM, Amway, Caltex,Chevron, Citigroup, Johnson & Johnson, Intel, dsb.

Kekaguman kita ditambah dengan keberhasilan Amerika untuk mengirimkan orangnya ke bulan, ke planet lain, dan lainnya. Teknologi Amerika yang sangat maju, termasuk teknologi kesehatan, membuat
orang berbondong-bondong ke Amerika untuk cek kesehatan.

Begitu banyaknya hal-hal yang menarik hati, tidak mengherankan banyak orang menghalalkan segala cara asal bisa ke Amerika, meskipun jadi imigran gelap, meskipun diuber-uber oleh pemerintah USA, dan hidup tidak nyaman.

Begitu banyak imigran gelap di Amerika, mendorong pemerintah USA mengambil tindakan sangat tegas dalam mengurusi hal tersebut. Bisa kita lihat dari ketatnya pemberian visa Amerika, bahkan visa turis!
Mengapa ? Karena banyak orang menyalahgunakan visa yang telah diberikan. Dengan berbekal visa turis, mereka menjadi pekerja gelap.

Padahal kalau dilihat beruntut, semuanya merugikan banyak pihak. Pertama, merugikan banyak orang lain. Orang lain yang benar-benar berminat untuk berlibur jadi banyak digagalkan karena ada kecurigaan akan menjadi pekerja gelap di Amerika. Kedua, merugikan diri sendiri. Dengan berbekal visa turis, dan menjadi pekerja gelap, mereka tidak mempunyai dokumentasi yang utuh, sehingga mereka akan bekerja illegal.

Kerugian bekerja illegal adalah yang pasti salary yang tidak standar, atau jauh di bawah rata-rata. Beberapa kasus pernah diberitakan. Ada pekerja gelap yang bekerja tapi tidak mendapat gaji, hidupnya berdasarkan tip pemberian tamu. Ada juga yang tidak disukai oleh si bos, karena mereka pekerja gelap. Kerugian lain mereka tidak bisa kembali ke tanah air, karena dokumentasi mereka tidak benar. Kalaupun mereka pulang kampung, kemungkinan besar mereka tidak akan bisa ke Amerika kembali, karena nama mereka sudah di-black list.
Hidup pun tidak tentram, karena kekuatiran akan ditangkap polisi dan ditahan lalu dideportasi.

Melihat dampak-dampak yang merugikan tersebut, saya pribadi menganjurkan agar kita semua mengambil jalan yang benar walaupun jalan itu sulit.