Bagaimana Menghadapi Headhunter ?

Kejujuran adalah perlu dalam menjaga hubungan dengan headhunter. Membiarkan headhunter mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan kita, akan memberi nilai positif di mata headhunter. Jika ada peluang yang sesuai dengan kita, headhunter akan mengingat kita bahkan headhunter akan mereferensikan kita kepada perusahaan lain.

Apabila headhunter melakukan phone interview, jangan menganggap remeh phone interview. Jangan menganggap itu adalah obrolan pembuka/pengenal. Tetap pandang phone interview sebagai interview resmi, sebelum interview tatap muka. Jangan lupa untuk follow-up dengan interviewer, tetapi ingat, jangan terlalu agresif dalam mem-follow-up.

How to handle Headhunter ?
Become a headhunter is never easy. It can be seen by how much money is given to the headhunter to find the right person for the company. To make it easy, it needs openness, honesty, communication between candidates, headhunter and the company (client). Headhunter acts like match-maker to find the right candidate for the company for mutual benefit and long-term relationship.

To achieve all the goals, the headhunter must corporate together with the candidate. For example, is to appreciate the interview. Coming on-time during the interview give a good signal to the headhunter, and vice versa. It is always good for you to give a lot of information about yourself, such as your availability, your skills, your interest to the headhunter. The headhunter will easily match yours with the needs they have.

If you find the job does not match with you, tell the headhunter about that. And give a reference about someone that might match with that job to the headhunter always bring a good plus for you. The headhunter usually remember what you have done for them, and will call you as soon as possible they find the match job for you.

Do not forget to do your own homework, to do the research about your job and the company that is interested in you. If you found the headhunter is interested in you, do not make you feel comfortable, by act not ready when the interview come, show your laziness, and act unprofessionally.

Always keep in mind to build a good relationship with the headhunter, even you know you do not have a need to find a job in a short time, even years. Have a good relationship with the headhunter always give you benefit in the future.

Most people think that the headhunter is only mediator, that makes them careless. They started to talk too much about themselves. This does not work. The interview usually involved many people. If they find your information is incorrect, they prefer to let you down than let their clients down. You must remember that the headhunters are prefer to keep a good relationship with their clients than any candidates.

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