How to get a good deal on feeding your baby ?

Of course the answer is breastfeeding ! It is free, and it is nutritious, all the nutritious that your baby needs. Breastfeeding is the best way to feed your baby. Your milk will always change to your baby’s nutrition need. There are a lot of advantage on breastfeeding :
(emotionally) you will bond with your baby, you will feel you are a good mother that you feed your baby with your milk, etc, etc
(budget) It is 100% free.

However, not every mom can breastfeed their babies, include me ! so there are no other choice, unless baby formula. But baby formula in the market will consume your pocket. so what is the answer for this ?

When you found out that you are pregnant, prepare yourself to breastfeed !
Prepare your emotional, build your confidence, telling yourself that breastfeed is the best for your baby, telling yourself that breastfeeding is also good for yourself (woman who is breastfeeding has less chance to get breast cancer).

Prepare your body for breastfeeding. Do not forget to eat nutritious food when you are breastfeeding. Stock good food and easy to make at home. Ask your spouse to shop and cook for you. Ask your mother or mother-in-law to prepare nutritious food for you. Take at least 2 glasses of milk and prenatal vitamin. Do not forget to drink water or liquid. It will reduce your chance to dehydrate because of breastfeeding.

Prepare breast cream to put on your breast or nipple in case there is a crack or else, prepare a good fit bra for breastfeed, prepare a comfortable cloth for breastfeed, prepare a good pillow to support (optional), prepare breast pump and its accessories (optional).

And than if you want only to breastfeed your baby until she is 6 months old, you need to prepare the baby formula since you are pregnant ! Sign up to many baby formula companies to get free baby formula sample, coupon, checks, gifts and else. For Similac, sign-up here, for enfamil, sign- up here, for Gerber, sign-up here

Do not forget to ask to your doctor if your doctor has baby formula, and the most important thing is ask your pediatrician when you visit the doctor with your baby even at that time you are exclusively breastfeeding. When you want to introduce the bottle and baby formula, you already had enough stock. You also have a choice to pick a store brand baby formula, like Parent’s Choice.

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